Would you still pay $10k or more for a turntable not full analog front end these days ?

Or you would rather pay that for a streamer ?



@total111 But what happens when we print a doc, then scan, then print again? Are the two prints same?

This sounds like a zen koan, but thinking of a printer as a digital to analog converter is an interesting thought!

There’s space in my systems for most of the above. I waited a decade plus to buy a Linn Klimax DS2 at an affordable (used) price. Some Qobuz or NAS (CD and vinyl rips) tracks sound so amazing I almost want to cry.  I’m an ex radio DJ and putting together a great playlist with Qobuz and NAS with the Linn app puts the emphasis on musical enjoyment, not fussing with things. 

I have some great records and when I have time, the ritual and sonic experience is wonderful and nostalgic. So is it worth $10k, heck yeah. Don’t ask us, just have fun researching, auditioning, and setting up. Our opinion doesn’t matter, your enjoyment does. 

“system 2” is wired whole house and has a Nakamichi 680ZX, which I love for the things that only exist on cassette. And streaming. And FM but don’t listen much to that anymore. 

No, I think I could find a good turntable for $3500 or less that would fit me just fine.

I’ve been collecting since I was 11, in 1965.  I have 6,000 LPs.

its all I can do to find time to listen to them, never mind streaming.