It has been almost year since I swore off responding to you out of frustration. After this post, I am guessing it will be a long, long time before I waste any of my time responding to any more of your ignorant or rude posts.
I went back over all the threads to check and I never said that the UNIverse was the best cartridge as you stated that I said. Here are my two quotes:
On 1-28-05 It might be the best cartridge out there at any price.....
On 5-08-05 The UNIverse is just one of the best cartridges available by a clear margin.
Those quotes are not me saying that it is the best cartridge as you quoted me. This is a typical example of you twisting or mis-stating the facts. This is why I have no patience or respect for your opinions.
Telling me to sell my UNIverse when you have never had a UNIverse in your own system: what is wrong with you and where do you get off giving such advice when you have no idea how my system sounds or how the UNIverse sounds in my system or yours (this is rhetorical, please do not respond) ?