Hear! Hear! Very good.
I think with a gear change... a new piece... or a modification of some aspect, I am certianly altering the presentation, perhaps the sonics too.
I'm not sold entirely on the fact that every change I've made has been to increase performance. Render a clearer window to the recorded venue, or even immulate a live performance after all.
I think, more often than not, my greatest foe in acquiring that next level is myself. At times, with a lot of changes which I did this past year, I sought for a time to regain that which I had let go of... I initially tried to make the now all tube power duplicate the sound of the Tube & Ss set up. yet found out soon enough that wasn't going to happen completely. Then I got to listen still more critically and found out some areas were improved upon, while others lacked. A Shelby Cobra just isn't a Hemi 'Cuda. Both are breath taking rides, yet get there in different ways. A funny thing happened then, I slowly began to not miss so much, those areas where the SS amp excelled past the tube amps…. And so forth.
Getting 'different' is lots easier than attaining 'better'. Different isn't a bad thing either. actually, I feel that the relationship between 'diff' & 'better' are often interchangeable and can point towards the same things, generally speaking. It’s all relative. Right after I got married I realized all my problems were relative. I moved away from my relatives as soon as I could. With audio, it’s not the same.
The relative diffs are where the incrases, if any, are found. Allong the upgrade highway, the ‘relative differences’ begin to shrink, and become scattered about. Where and What those distinctions get found out determines better. It gets tougher and tougher to feret them out, and when you do, finally decide, it’s one of a couple thoughts… “Is this indeed better? Do I need to keep looking, or Can I live with this?””
I know I can’t live with my relatives, but could easily live with the stuff I’ve brought in here since all this began a few years back… and some items that are gone now as I’ve moved on, I’d sure not mind having back.