Baby name opinion....

Expecting a child, a baby girl. I have never been one for unusual names but one that I have never heard as a name has been nagging me as a consideration. ....Stereo..... Am I just getting used to the sound of a totally ridiculous and cruel first gift to her? Initially our friends just laughed but some are coming around with positive comments... Stereo....
My wife was in the hospital to deliver our first child. The lady sharing the room overheard the doctor use the term, "placenta" and thought it so pretty, she named her daughter that. True story!! They walk among us!
Hospital story 2: new mom fills out the form, thinks female' is pretty, you guessed it.
Hospital story 3: junkie mom is pissed that her new baby is keeping her from a fix, in an effort to spite the baby, names her: lesbian.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned this one yet:
Police years ago pulled over a young woman who rushed through an amber traffic light. "I'm about to arrest this person right now," the irritated officer radioed to a dispatcher. "She's telling me her name is Marijuana Pepsi Jackson."
You can read the whole story here.

A couple of others worth mentioning (just imagine some poor mom, immediately post-delivery, in a drug-induced haze):

and last, but not least,


(If you're not familiar with these terms, look 'em up--it's worth it!)

I'll definitely second Mapman:
"Stereo" keeps sounding better and better...
But please, for the love of God: DON'T DO IT!
I may have another girl now just to name her "Cadence".

I really like that name.