Baby name opinion....

Expecting a child, a baby girl. I have never been one for unusual names but one that I have never heard as a name has been nagging me as a consideration. ....Stereo..... Am I just getting used to the sound of a totally ridiculous and cruel first gift to her? Initially our friends just laughed but some are coming around with positive comments... Stereo....
Hospital story 2: new mom fills out the form, thinks female' is pretty, you guessed it.
Hospital story 3: junkie mom is pissed that her new baby is keeping her from a fix, in an effort to spite the baby, names her: lesbian.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned this one yet:
Police years ago pulled over a young woman who rushed through an amber traffic light. "I'm about to arrest this person right now," the irritated officer radioed to a dispatcher. "She's telling me her name is Marijuana Pepsi Jackson."
You can read the whole story here.

A couple of others worth mentioning (just imagine some poor mom, immediately post-delivery, in a drug-induced haze):

and last, but not least,


(If you're not familiar with these terms, look 'em up--it's worth it!)

I'll definitely second Mapman:
"Stereo" keeps sounding better and better...
But please, for the love of God: DON'T DO IT!
I may have another girl now just to name her "Cadence".

I really like that name.
Venus Cassiopée
... which would imply stereo as "transcribed" by French manufacturer Venus Acoustics, so you can do it and not get caught 8^)

Of course, their even better flagship speaker is the Venus Cybela, but you don't want to risk your daughter bearing any resemblance with those