Something Vintage

All self respecting audiophiles should have something Vintage in their main rig.

I have a pair of Acrisound Chicago transformers and various vintage caps in my Deja Vu 45 PP Monoblocks.

What's your something Vintage?

Reverence or superior materials and application?

I have to admit, I think vintage components are way cool and I can't definitively answer my own question regarding superiority. I will say that some Vintage components applied correctly adds a richness of tone that I find very appealing and natural.
All self respecting audiophiles should have something Vintage in their main rig.

If that's the case,I'm glad I'm not a self respecting audiophile!!
Re-capped and upgraded Sansui AU D-11, Upgraded Mitsubishi LT-30. There's no self-respect involved.
I am one of those with a great deal of reverence for classic high quality vintage gear, and having extensive experience with many such pieces I can attest to how well they can perform, if in good condition.

Arbitrarily defining "vintage" as older than 1980, my main system presently includes:

1)A ca. 1954 REL (Radio Engineering Laboratories) "Precedent" FM tuner, with a ca. 1960 H. H. Scott LM35 Multiplex Adapter to decode the stereo.

It is by far the best performing of many tuners I have had, including two Marantz 10B's, a McIntosh MR71, a Carver TX11, and numerous Scott and Fisher units.

2)A Mark Levinson ML1 preamp, ca. 1977, which I use as my phono stage, accessed via its tape out jacks.

Best regards,
-- Al
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