Upgrading Fuses

Have a Audio Research Ref 3 and am considering upgrading the fuses but I am a little skeptical. Would like to hear from people who have try this. Hard to believe that fuses can make a substantial difference like the manufacturers claim. All advice appreciated.
Metro04, funny you should bring up Starbucks. Just this morning my wife wife was telling me how she had gone into Starbucks a couple of days ago to buy her bean and favorite banana-nut muffin. The young man behind the counter absolutely refused to sell her the muffin because they had lost the card showing the muffin's calorie count. I don't known if you known this, but in NYC vendors such as Starbucks are now required by law to display the calorie count of their food offerings. How sad and pathetic that it has come to this.

If you don't understand the connection (mine, anyway) to the subject being discussed in this thread, then there really is no hope for you and Vhiner to understand each other. IMO, if you were to try and understand, I think you just might find that is more to the enjoyment of music than you may have thought was possible. In the meantime, the bickering is getting really old

Oh, I *do* stand corrected; you are not a mere genius. You are a passive-aggressive genius without the balls to back up your bluster. You think that by writing the words "I'm not saying HiFi Tuning's data is false or embellished" that this gives you cover for the implication in the same post that it's merely a marketing ploy. Only someone who thinks he's a genuine genius would think he could hide behind that thin piece of gauze. In addition to being passive aggressive, your position in this thread is also cowardly. You won't post your credentials, you won't listen to the product in question and you're too lazy to perform a measurement experiment to back up your.....beliefs? I thought you said beliefs weren't admissible here.

You may be a genius Metro04, but, as my grandpa once remarked about a similar fellow, "You're all hat and no cattle." Put up or shut up.
Nonoise - Thanks for the link. For what it is worth I'd write the Cliff notes version as 'our tests show that we have lower resistance and less vibration and we think this makes our fuses sound better'.

Metro4 / Vhiner - Please keep up the good work:).