Tube and Tube Socket Cleaning

I have a pair of RT 12AU7's of which one of them is noisy when powered up. I have switched it from side to side in my pre-amp (CJ PV10A) and the noise follows. I sprayed a great deal of compressed air into the tube socket and around the prongs of the problem tube and this has diminished the noise greatly, but not completely. I spoke with the dealer and he advised me to take a fingernail file and gently file the prongs on the problem tube. Any thoughts on this???
He also mentioned that there were tube socket cleaning kits available. Has anyone had any experience with these or can anyone recommend one?


Brad Day
Atlanta, GA

PS My searches on Audiogon for this information did not turn up any matches.
I use Kontak (or electrician's alcohol on non-plated items) along with a pipe cleaner (for sockets) and a toothbrush for pins. On extremely tarnished pins I use the very smooth purple sandpaper which is cloth backed (can't ever remember the name of it). A "file" is too rough, IMO. Pro Gold and other cleaners have been "said" to leave a residue which later gunk's up due to the heat generated by tubes. The two cleaners that I use do not have this problem. Electrician's alcohol is "said" not to be good for plating (gold and otherwise) as it is too strong and in this case the Kontak seems to be fine. The main thing is to be gentle with the metal surfaces. If the tube is still noisy following a good sprucing up, then it is a noisy tube (this happens). I live on the "left" coast and have some mighty fine (and silent) 12au7's (by the way:-).
Dekay that's called Crocus cloth: found at better hardware stores. I wouldn't be without it myself; great for burnishing.
The type of noise was static-like.

I'll try the Kontak and see how it goes.

Thanks, y'all!!!!

I also use Kontak on a regular basis to clean all connections. Kontak can be ordered from Perhaps the tubes need replaced? When you switched them, did the static change sides?
bday: DON'T use nail-files, Crocus or extremely light sandpaper will do. You can use thin pipe cleaner for the sockets! "Detergents"-wise Kontak or Cramolin have worked for me...