Best power for 10,000

Fellow Audiogoners,

I am in need of your help. I require your suggestions for the best high resolution pre/power amplifier I can get for $10,000. Integrated amps and pre/power combos, new or used are all O.K. with me. I like detail, but not harshness, excessive midrange bloom or loose, baggy bass. Overall, I want neutral, precise sound from top to bottom. So far the best I have heard is the Linn Klimax twin power amp, but at $9000, there isn't much left in the budget for a preamp. Associated equipment will be a Sony XA-777ES SACD player, possibly with a Chord DAC 64, Wilson Benesch ACT One speakers and Kimber Select cables. Plans are for a CD 12 at some point.

Many Thanks,

If you've got $9000 for Klimax all you should do is spend another $1000 for Placette passive preamp.
The cost of a used Krell KRC-HR plus an FPB amp (the 600 or a pair of 350M's) should fit just into your budget.

Have fun!

The new Aloi 1501 inductive has double the power of the 1301. If you want smooth dynamic sound with bass authority you need to audition these. I think the price is around $5500. I liked the sound better than the Pass 350,Wolcott, and the Cary 200 with the Piega 10's
Tsalmon: Even @ $10k, the type of music you listen to PRIMARILY (and hence, judge by) could be the decisive factor in choosing the amp.
If classical, Pass (BUT see Bwhite above), YBA Passion, Symphonic Line (the big Kraftquelle integrated) for ss, Lamm, Tenor, Atmasphere, KR, for tubes.
Caveat: some of the above is based on extrapolation (sorry!), I have only listened to your speakers with the Symphonic Line and the Passion combo.

Bwhite and others have your speakers & can help with their experience -- but Marakanetz makes a meaningful point!
How about the new BAT integrated amp? It sounds very good and it is modular to increase power for even home theater apps. Even still I think it is 150 wpc and less than 5 grand new.