Just an addendum to my original capacitor parts list, the capacitors I'm installing in my Total Eclipses are going to be Jantzen Audio Superior Z-Caps in all positions except the tweeter cap (which is Duelund VSF black). Charles, one of these days I'd love to look inside a Total Eclipse II and try and figure out how your crossover could be so different. I'm completely jealous about the positioning & type of your crossover components. Prodigiously more upgrade friendly than mine.
I've now passed a circuit diagram of my tweeter/mid crossover on to Bill(Grannyring) and think we may get some clarification about whether I have a Zobel network.
As usual, huge thanks everyone. I truly feel as though I'm not doing this alone. For the record, I have a family & these speakers were hard earned and are treasured and I wouldn't risk doing what I'm doing without some serious support and that's down to the incredible generosity of spirit of people in this forum.
Cheers, Tas