I have to update all on these Jupiter copper foil caps after over 100 hours of break-in. They keep getting better and better.
They are so darn real sounding. The micro details of human voice and instrument is astounding. Couple this with the sense of heft, weight and body they have and no cap is it's equal.....no cap.
They have an uncanny sense of depth and while I have said this before, the unforced naturalness is such a welcomed musical reality. Smoothness is state of the art without a doubt. Ya, I am worked up over these music making parts. Placed in critical positions, they will make you smile and pay attention to the music.....
Do not judge these until you get at least 100 hours. If they continue to get better, my wife will need to sedate me!
Note....these are the smaller value caps for electronics. They are used in my Thor TPA30 tube amps....4 in each amp as part of the signal path. Four in my Aesthetix Romulus CD player.
They are so darn real sounding. The micro details of human voice and instrument is astounding. Couple this with the sense of heft, weight and body they have and no cap is it's equal.....no cap.
They have an uncanny sense of depth and while I have said this before, the unforced naturalness is such a welcomed musical reality. Smoothness is state of the art without a doubt. Ya, I am worked up over these music making parts. Placed in critical positions, they will make you smile and pay attention to the music.....
Do not judge these until you get at least 100 hours. If they continue to get better, my wife will need to sedate me!
Note....these are the smaller value caps for electronics. They are used in my Thor TPA30 tube amps....4 in each amp as part of the signal path. Four in my Aesthetix Romulus CD player.