Pass Labs Service

Needed to let everyone know my experience in dealing with Pass Labs, frankly they WOWed me!!! Fastist replies to emails from everyone there. Answered my quesitons in detail and not just blowing me off with a short reply. When I won the X-1 at auction here a few weeks back I wanted a shorter connecting cord from the pre to the power supply (it came with a 6' cord). Peter at Pass said no problem, email me your address. Two days later at my door step was another cord, no charge for the cord or shipping. When I asked Peter about a CD player from Pass, he told me not to hold my breath. Oh well, got the X-250, got the X-1 what's not to like, life is great.

Now on to a CD player to replace my SOny SCD-777ES.

Pass Labs, gotta love them!!!
Open, straightforward, helpful, competent, thoroughly professional. Simply fabulous.
I second the responses above. Peter at Pass offers exemplary service, second to NONE.
I was just in the market for a new amp, and I narrowed it down to two. One being the Pass Labs X 250. I went with the other because I got a great deal on an amp that should be as good or better. I know the other company is good about service, but it's good to know Pass Labs is no slouch either.
Who knows, I might change my mind soon and go for the X 250. I've been happy with my Aleph Ono phono stage.
This thread makes it that much easier to consider buying Pass Labs next time.
Hey Tok2000, I was offered a great deal on a EMC-1 w/o the upgrade and they guy will drive to my home and deliver it in person on Xmas!!!

Will try the Ayre.