Lamm ML1 question

Well, I finally bit the bullet and bought a used pair of Lamm ML-1s to replace my Jadis amps in my main system. While I like what I'm hearing, has anyone tried any tube-rolling with the two small-signal tubes in the amps? Any suggestions?
Thanks, Jonathan. Given my experience with the LP2 phono stage, I suspected as much, but years of playing with my Jadis has made me used to playing with different types of tubes.
Shushurin "hand picks" from what is readily available. Rcprince...if you are looking at vintage NOS tubes, here is what worked for me: Telefunkens in the 12AX7 location and RCA black plates in the 12BH7 location. I was running a LL2 pre and Mini Utopia speakers at the time. Andy at Vintage Tube Services was excellent at matching up some nice ones for me. Good luck...
Deano: Thanks. I have a ton of Andy's Telefunken 12AX7s left over from the stock I was saving for my old JP80 which I can try; I'll talk with him about 12BH7s if I like the sound better with the Teles.
Deano: Most NOS tubes are discards. They were not up to the standards of the day. What do you think, someone stuck tons of these tubes in a vault and forecasted that one day these tubes would be worth a fortune?

Most manufacturers have no idea how to select tubes. There are a few that I know of that really know their sh*t. Vladmir Lamm, Ken Stevens, Michele at Tenor Audio, Victor Komhenko, EveAnna Manley are just a few.

My experience with the Telefunken 12AX7 is the opposite result. I found them microphonic and tubby. I had and probably still have a large supply. There are current production tubes that I prefer by a wide margin.