Thanks Rick--the Lamms are actually a partial payback from my wife for the new kitchen, and a recycling of money from the sale of my JP80. They're excellent amps, with most of the strengths of the Jadis but not the drawbacks, and they work very well in combination with the JP200 preamp, just as the Lamm LP2 does.
I've viewed Jonathan's and Deano's posts with some interest. Jonathan, you may be right about discards, as there are a lot of bad NOS tubes out there, but my experience with Andy Bouwman's tubes is that they are anything but discards. I would say that in my Jadis equipment the NOS tubes are FAR better, both sonically and from a longevity standpoint, than their modern equivalents, but keep in mind that my Jadis equipment was designed at a time when Telefunken, Amperex and Mullard were manufacturing the tubes that we now call NOS--it stands to reason, particularly as the Jadis equipment seems to have been "voiced" in its design, that those tubes would sound right in them. Lamm is designing around the tubes currently available, and picking the best of those they can find (I'm told that Lamm has to throw out about half of the tubes they get), so it is quite likely that those tubes should work best in their equipment. Interestingly, though, Lamm apparently does not "voice" its designs, which is why I wondered about trying NOS tubes in them. Guess it won't hurt to try!
I've viewed Jonathan's and Deano's posts with some interest. Jonathan, you may be right about discards, as there are a lot of bad NOS tubes out there, but my experience with Andy Bouwman's tubes is that they are anything but discards. I would say that in my Jadis equipment the NOS tubes are FAR better, both sonically and from a longevity standpoint, than their modern equivalents, but keep in mind that my Jadis equipment was designed at a time when Telefunken, Amperex and Mullard were manufacturing the tubes that we now call NOS--it stands to reason, particularly as the Jadis equipment seems to have been "voiced" in its design, that those tubes would sound right in them. Lamm is designing around the tubes currently available, and picking the best of those they can find (I'm told that Lamm has to throw out about half of the tubes they get), so it is quite likely that those tubes should work best in their equipment. Interestingly, though, Lamm apparently does not "voice" its designs, which is why I wondered about trying NOS tubes in them. Guess it won't hurt to try!