Need Headphone amp under $300?

I'm in need of headphone amp under $300. I'll be buying some cans in the future as well.(Sennheiser HD-580's / Beyerdynamic DT-880 or AKG K-501's ?) Prefer to stick w/SS. Creek is coming out a new model, the OBH-21 I believe. Sumiko makes a model as well. Anyone familiar w/these models or could you recommend something else in this price range. Thanks, Bill.
You can often find a used battery powered Grado RA-1 for less than $300 on Agon. New for slightly more than $300. I have used with Sennheiser HD-600's to good effect.
Watch for a Headroom Cosmic in the used market. Drop by their website for the spec's.
Check out the Perreaux SXH 1 headphone amp. I received mine last week and while it is still burning in it sounds great. Easily drives my Senn 580. You can get it at Audio Advisor for 299.00, catalog price 349.00 just ask for the discount coupon (50.00 off) and they throw in free shipping. Plus 30 day return. I'm not associated with AA. Also quite a few reviews on

Music Fidelity X CAN V2 with Amperex tubes to replace the original tubes is great sound for around $350 total.I own this unit personally and the Senn. HD 600's.The only upgrade I desire is the Cardas blue H/P cables at about $200,this would really make these sing!For about $550 this is a very exceptional combo considering the cost!!