Bryston 4B-ST, Magnepan 1.6QR, suggest a preamp.

I'm resigned to the fact that my Mesa Baron Tigris integrated tube amp won't drive my Magnepan 1.6QR's to their full potential, so I'm buying a Bryston 4B-ST and need your advice on a pre-amp to match. I'd prefer tubes and could go either with or without a phono stage. I'll be using a sub, so I'd also want two pair of outputs. Suggestions?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
I'm using an ARC LS-16 with a 4B-ST to drive Acoustats and it's a great combination.

I used to use a Blue Circle BC21.1 with my 4B-ST. The 21.1 really made a large, positive impact on the 4B's performance... far more musical. If you want to discuss the specifics of the 21.1, send me an email as I'd love to talk about it.

Best wishes,

I have a the same amp with a Bryston BP-25 preamp. I have had this for some time. It is nice but I have to agree with the tubies that the solid state amp with a tube preamp takes the edge off the digital sound. It also improves the analog stuff with just additional warmth and soundstage. I will be following this thread since I am looking for suggestions of tube preamps to try as well. Good luck.

I'll chime in with another Blue Circle 21.1 recommendation. Great preamp, especially with upgraded "NOS" tubes. See my system and email me to discuss details further if you wish.

Another vote for BC 21.1. I recently sold mine....
Got the Galatea, quite a bit more $ for some more refinement in the same family of sound. But if the price of the BC21.1 is all I could spend, I would have been perfectly happy with it.