Best Kept Secret in Audio??

I heard a piece of equipment the other day that has me wondering - did I hear what I think I heard?

I did not have hours and hours, but I listened to a system I had heard before, and there was a new pre-amp in it - a McIntosh C200. I had not heard of this in "audiophile circles" as a world class unit.

But what I heard that nite has me wondering if it should be? And if it is, it may be one of the best bargains to boot selling in the $6K range I think including a phono stage.

Does anyone have any experience with this unit, and does it compete with the "usual suspects" when one thinks of top-notch pre-amps?

SShh !!(or it ain't a secret) --- For us working stiffs, it's hard to have heard 1% of what's out there.
Yes and No. Mac does offer phono stage, but mediocre at best. For the price, used of 3500 is worth the shot, only with assertive front end. Little vailed in comparison with Lamm or even Sugden Masterclass at half a price.
Given the title, I thought the thread would involve something besides McIntosh ...
my late 60's-70's vintage transitor radio with a single ear 'headphone' How many of you slept with yours under your pillow?

I used to fall asleep listening to Clyde Clifford on Bleeker Street from KAAY in Little Rock transmitting all the way up to Iowa. (I hope I remembered all that correctly, it's been 35-36 years ago.) Forgot about that until you said something....