Will a transformer, 220 to 100v, ruin the sound?

Hello, I need some advice please,

When buying a european amplifier with stock 220 voltage, is there any degradation of sound when using a transformer to convert it to 110 volt operation ?


Changing the transformer taps on HiFi equipment often works fine, just like Eldartford says. There are some exceptions though. Some high end equipment manufacturers (Krell for example) now install a mains frequency sensing chip to prevent US gear (110V, 60Hz) being freely imported into Europe (~230V, 50Hz) and simply used with a step down transformer (220-240V down to 110V). The equipment simply will not work if you do this (I found out the hard way when I took my Krell HTS to Europe for a temporary overseas assignment). These manufacturers want you to buy the equipment in Europe in the first place, or pay them (many $$$) to do the conversion for you. See my previous post on this subject. Be warned.
I was told by Tom Tutay, a well respected tube amp tech, that a step up or step down transformer would better isolate the piece of equipment in question from the ac line and would thus be a good thing. I never tried it so I don't really know.