How do I keep my cats off my amplifier?

Since my amplifier is too large for an equipment rack, I keep it on a seperate amplifier stand. There is nothing above it to keep my two cats from climbing on top when it is turned on, which they always do, attracted by the warmth. At first I didn't mind until my Rotel RMB-1095 Amplifier shorted due to a build-up of cat hair falling inside. Now my front right channel is gone. I just bought an Integra Research RDA-7 to replace it.
Is there a good way (short of the cat pound) to keep them off?
Just gently shoo them off every time they climb up. After about a week or two, just rising up from my listening chair was enough to discourage them. Now, I simply lean forward when they eye it. They get the message and retreat.
Well I'll share a story I heard once. A man's wife brings home a new cat and a squirt gun. The man asks what the squirt gun is for.

The wife says "It's to teach kitty not to scratch our furniture up. Every time kitty starts scratching our furniture, I give her a little squirt. Kitty will start to make the association, and after a month or so, she won't scratch the furniture anymore!" The man quietly leaves the room and returns with a pellet gun. The wife asks..."what's that for?" He replies, I think I can teach kitty not to scratch the furniture....TODAY!"

Just a thought!
Really a tough question, as cats are what they are, and will go back to the warmth. I wouldn't use the water gun trick, and BB guns are just not acceptable.

Can you house them under something that doesn't leave enough room for the cats without causing heating issues for the amp?? A small table might do the trick, because the problem isn't that they are there when listening, it's an acumulation of cat hair that causes the problem, and as blueswan suggests, I think his system would only work when you see them on the amps..... What happens after you go to sleep and the amps are still warm??? What goes on while at work???

I'd try to cover them up so the cats can't get on them.... I am very interested in what other have to say, and how they dealt with this as I will soon be running multiple monoblocks and have three cats and two dogs.
Does this have any relation to a animal forum post I just read growling of a humans,lack of speedy response to a favorite bedding area heater which for some ,unknown, reason delivers half its original heat! ;^)
You can condition them easily with a whistle,or aluminum foil sheet rattled loudly when they walk near the gear..
Another novel approach is a very cool sixteen dollar toy called an Airzooka ,which fires a ball of air about 15 feet.