How do I keep my cats off my amplifier?

Since my amplifier is too large for an equipment rack, I keep it on a seperate amplifier stand. There is nothing above it to keep my two cats from climbing on top when it is turned on, which they always do, attracted by the warmth. At first I didn't mind until my Rotel RMB-1095 Amplifier shorted due to a build-up of cat hair falling inside. Now my front right channel is gone. I just bought an Integra Research RDA-7 to replace it.
Is there a good way (short of the cat pound) to keep them off?
Most of the responses to this post made my stomach turn. I hope, if you have
children, you don't teach them those demented values....and I certainly hope you don't own cats.
"LIke the sands of an hour glass...these are the posts that turn the stomach".

Tra laaaa, la la laaa, la la la la la tra laaaaaaAAH. La la la laaa...
I hear they taste just like chicken! So it wouldn't be a total loss. (When you've only got lemons, make lemonade!)

I like the idea of going to tubes. Albert Porter has a great pair of VTL's for sell and their only $11,000.00 + shipping