Jadis amps and pre-amps still competitive?

How does Jadis amps (Defy7, JA 200, ect.) and pre-amps (JPL MK2, 80 MC), compare with the more popular amps of today from VTL, LAMM, and Audio Research. You don't hear much about them anymore. I remember that they were highly regarded when Mr. Victor Goldstein was the importer.
Eps, to be truthful, when would I bias my Jadis Orchestra
Reference, it never needed as much adjustment as I expected.

In fact, I just switched from Ei KT90 to JJ E34L, and despite the monumental difference in tubes, I was astonished about how close to being in the new tubes actually were. They were just outside of spec (89 mV, range is 95 - 120 mV, preferably 110 mv), which is probably not that big a deal.

Hopefully, Pierre will chime in on biasing.

I would like to offer that if the DA5 uses the same procedure as the JOR, I have created a document, complete with pictures (because they are truly worth a thousand words) on the bias procedure. It's probably six pages, with maybe 8 or so pictures. I would be more than happy to publish it here on Audiogon.

I had received a document from Jadis, but it was not very intuitive. Because I was selling the amp to Springbok10, I wanted to be sure that the procedure was crystal clear (and again, a picture is worth a thousand words).

In my opinion, the biasing itself, once learned (not at all intuitive), is incredibly easy (the pictures make it easy, even for a first timer). The difficulty lies in that you must remove the bottom and sides with the JOR. It's the reassembly that I HATED! Knowing what I know now, I would drill holes (there are already a lot of holes there already) that line up with the resistors and potentiometers, making it a simple, 3 minute procedure. No muss, no fuss.
Hi - Talked to my friend last night who owns a DA5.

He will send instructions to adjust bias at a higher setting shortly, that by the way were provided by Jadis (so no vudu-like mods in this case).

He told me that it is auto-bias and not (????) and the trick resides in some passive controlers within the DA5 circuit (whatever that means...), anyway.. I will get the instructions from him later and will post it for your info.

Does anyone know what type and brand of power tubes are stock in current production Defy7's and JA200's?
This is what it says in Jadis' website:



KT90 : With its plate and screen dissipation of 60W, the KT90 is the most reliable tube that we know of. This is why our JA 800 amplifier uses this tube exclusively. The KT90 will also be supplied as the standard choice in the new JADIS range (JA 50, JA 100, JA 250)

6550C : The most widely used power tube. We use Russian tubes produced in St. Petersburg .

6CA7 With a sweeter sound than the KT90 or the 6550, this tube can be used on a large variety of amplifiers.

KT88 : This is the reference tube for audiophiles. We use tubes specialy built for us


Are the KT88 tubes that most of the Jadis amps seem to be using these days, JJ KT88?

In my own Jadis, the KT90 were stock. But, now I see that they come with KT88. I believe the reason is the lack of KT90 availability after the Ei factory was destroyed by NATO. However, now ElectroHarmonix is producing KT90 tubes, though I have heard they are not quite as good sounding as the Ei.

I agree with the statement regarding KT90 reliability. Mine ran for 5 years with a lot of play. One shorted, with no damage to the amp, and the other three tested good enough to still probably be OK for a while. The sound was quite neutral with this tube, with excellent power, and even balance across the frequency range. Extension at both ends of the spectrum, but particularly bass, was outstanding. Overall, however, I found myself wanting for a more romantic, tubey sound.

I retubed the amp with JJ E34L tubes. Power was down a fair amount, as well as bass response. However, the tone of this tube was just about perfect through the midrange. The sound of each note and vocals was as good as I have ever encountered. Treble was also very nice. I only got to put about 10 hours on these tubes, but my impressions were immensely positive. I have sold the amp to Springbok10, and he seems to love it. He has told me that the sound has improved tremendously now that the tubes have 150 hours plus on them. Highly recommended.

For a short while, to compare to the JJ E34L tubes, I tried JJ KT88s. Wow! My complaints about power and bass response were more than addressed, while the spectacular sound of the midrange was still there. I will say that this tube seems to have a midbass fatness that while I find intoxicating, could be argued that it might not be completely accurate. Absolute bass extension was still not as much as the Ei KT90, however.

I think overall, I would either go with JJ E34L or KT88 tubes. I would love to hear the amp with the E34Ls with 250 hours on them. The midrange and treble should be about as good as it gets. Still, presuming the KT88 is close in this regard, I would probably opt for that tube.

Fernando, that adjustment might be the same thing I was referring to in one of my above posts. Hopefully, Pierre Gabriel will speak to the biasing of the DA5 and DA8.