Thanks for the post. Clearly, everyone hears something different. When I heard the AG's, they seemed to paint with a pretty full brush, as opposed to the sketch to which you referred. I've been wanting to hear the Hyperion's, as they certainly garner a lot of positive attention.
Frankly, however, I've just never heard any speaker do dead-on, spine-chilling midrange like a horn. That is, I literally get the chills running down my spine--when the component synergy & placement is right, of course--and I cannot assess the music in advance of actually feeling it. Everything else to this musician's ear sounds massaged. Not inaccurate, necessarily. Rather, it just sounds smoothed over, as if the intention is to make the music more pleasant, or more palatable.
What I am asking in regard to horns & live shows, however, is with respect to actual artist performances. I think you thought I meant audio conventions. I am sitting in front of my 27 yr old horn speakers right now, and it sounds like the vocalist is smacking his lips on my ear lobe. The immediacy and urgency of the sound is physically verifiable, and I'm just wondering if horns are indeed NOT the most accurate at reproducing the music, why then are they used at every live concert and performance? Every concert hall uses them. Every theater. Every comedy store. Why wouldn't they project by another speaker format if it indeed had more accurate presence and dynamics than that of a horn?
What's the difference between home audio and a live performance, if not simply the swapping of a CD player or turntable for an actual person? And why don't we ever see a row of twenty Hyperions (or Wilson's, or Apogee's, or Magnepan's) chained up at the rock arena, or on the stage at Carnegie Hall if they were believed to be a more truthful purveyor of the source?
That is my question. Again, I'm not trying to challenge anyone to a duel. I know what I like, and I respect the listening preferences of others. OK, so I don't quite get Norah Jones. But hey, that aside, can anyone answer this question for me?
Thanks, everyone.