Kimber vs Jensen coupling caps in Cary amps

Anyone compared 0.22 mf Kimber coupling caps in Cary amps? I have purchased Jensen copperfoil/oil caps, opened my Cary SLI-50 integrated and saw yellow Kimber metallized polypropylene capacitors. Are they any good and will the Jensens be an upgrade?
This is one of those questions where there is no right answer. Since coup. caps are a must in tube products, using them is something like a tone control. The only way to know for sure is to try them, let them break in, and see if u like them. If you dont try something else. I find the Kimbers perform well especially when price is a consideration. G. Garfield
Coupling caps are not a must in tube amps. All of my amp stages are transformer coupled and the only caps are oil/film caps in the power supplies.
Transl, is anything touching the v-cap capacitor such as self stick tape or sticky putty. I have found that teflon capacitors (perhaps others) can take on the dielectric signature of something touching the outer case.
I installed .22uf Rel Teflon's in my Cary Sli 80, replacing the Audio 1's. Thay take a long time to break in, but the difference was astounding! Everything opened up. I lifted a heavy veil from to to bottom.