Favorite Movie Soundtrack

For me it was
Requiem for a Dream.

Chronos Quartet, very haunting, very gripping, fit the movie like a glove.

ANybody else?
"Falcon and the Snowman" 1985, Pat Metheny (David Bowie on one cut). "Performance" 1970, Jack Nitzsche, Ry Cooder, Randy Newmann (Mick Jagger on one cut). Both great!
"Philadelphia" - various artists
"Beloved" Rachel Portman
"Gladiator" Hans Zimmer/Lisa Gerrard
"General's Daughter" Carter Burwell
"Passion" Peter Gabriel
1]the strauss piece in "Year of living dangerously"
2] the mission
3] constant gardner
4] the last waltz
I'll second Performance and The Harder They Come, and add To Kill a Mockingbird.