As far as I know Best Buy never stocked any high-end eqiopment. They are what they are, a mass merchandiser. The demand for high-end audio isn't worth the effort for them. Each square foot of retail space is required to produce a specific amount of revenue. If the merchandise doesn't produce, then it's gone. A very simple formula really that just doesn't allow for such things as LPs or SACDs. Obviously volume and/or profitabilty didn't conform to Best Buys parameters for these catagories.
Doesn't bother me because I've purchased almost everything audio related from little guys anyway. As far as music is concerned there are quite a number of excellent retailers on the net that carry the stuff we want. Why not support them instead of the mega buck mega retailers like Best Buy. They've got their consumer base and it's definitely not us (audiophiles). They're trying to everything to everybody but they're not for me.
Doesn't bother me because I've purchased almost everything audio related from little guys anyway. As far as music is concerned there are quite a number of excellent retailers on the net that carry the stuff we want. Why not support them instead of the mega buck mega retailers like Best Buy. They've got their consumer base and it's definitely not us (audiophiles). They're trying to everything to everybody but they're not for me.