Another sign SACD is dying

I went to Best Buy to purchase some SACDs and after searching for the special section containing sacds and xrcds without success, I asked the salesman where they were. He informed me that they were all removed since dual disc is now the rage. WOW!
I am amazed! The next thing you will tell us is that Best Buy does not sell tube equipment! Best Buy is to high fidelity what Eastside Mario's is to fine Italian food.
I gave SACD a try a few years ago and Best Buy was about the only store in my area (Knoxville, TN) that made any effort to stock the discs. The big music stores, chain and independent, acted as if they never heard of SACD. While I would almost rather take a beating as grace the doors of any Best Buy Store I agree with the original poster that this is not good news for fans of SACD.

I fear SACD has already become an 'audiophile' only format and the availability of future popular titles will be limited at best. Which is a shame because it is a superior format to redbook.
Pbb how could you say that about Mario's??? That's some of the best Italian food I've never had!!!
Nrchy this is an argument that has went on since SACD was comparitively new.
Myself and Rsbeck crossed swords many times on it but I do respect his stance on it even if I believe he's been wrong about some of his predictions sadly I'm going to repeat part of my argument again.

Some of us tried SACD at a certain level and bailed out for logical reasons-we were not people who wanted to be disappointed by it.
I think the people you should blame are those who didn't develop the format not us who tried it.

To add to the argument today Dylan released his two new remasters (Bob Dylan/The Times They Are A Changin')and neither were SACD hybrids.
His previous 15 album mega release of remasters saw them on SACD hybrid.
He and Sony have bailed out on the format this time around.
I may be wrong but I believe Dylan's 15 album SACD release was THE major remastering series done on SACD.
It didn't work but more crucially Sony didn't stick with it-about a year later they all came out on plain vanilla Redbook.

The format will survive as I always said as a niche Audiophile format-specialised releases and music that will "safely" appeal to audiophiles.

I'm sorry but I listen to music not formats and certainly not music picked by some numbskulls who think they know what I want remastered and on what format-you say Redbook is a dismal failure and here is me buying countless music on that format every month and I am deluded enough to think that some it even sounds great.

I guess I should have waited on the SACD releases rather than enjoying countless recordings this year.
This doesn't surprise me. Of my local social and professional circles (no audiophiles), I'm the only one that even knows what SACD is, much less DVD-A or the likes.