French Female Vocalist Jazz Blues Suggestions ???

I would appreciate some suggestons for music performed by French female vocalists Preferebly Slower Jazz or Blues but I am also open to pop and Rock. Thanks!
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One of the best is Juliette Greco. "The Original Recordings - CD Story" on Universal #5428442 is not only musically superb, the booklet has great photos and information. The performances are from the mid 50's to the mid 60's. For contempory singers try Keren Ann a jazzy, bulesy, some what hip sound. The new album on Blue Note titled "Nolita" is a good place to start. Both artists have interesting websites. And if you can find Jacqueline Francois's "Mademoiselle de Paris" from 1948, either the LP or on CD, snap it up! It is one of the great classic French albums. Enjoy........
Don't forget Claudine Longet. You now find here CD's under here first name-CLAUDINE. Remember Love is Blue.