Ken Burns' JAZZ starts Monday on PBS!

A reminder that Ken Burns' 10 part series begins Monday in most all of the USA. Burns' past documentaries have been "The Civil War" and "Baseball." They were very, very good. Enjoy! Charlie
Whatever negatives aside, as a diehard jazz junkie, I am really stoked for this series. I don't see any other programs so dedicated to the subject. And short of being enrolled in Sdcampbell's class, this is the best I can do. Whatever and whoever is featured, I will eat it up.
I am too Trelja I just hope that MY heros (Armstrong is certainly one of them) are given their due.
It's amazing to me that people are already panning the series without having seen it. I'm sure, as has been mentioned, that it will have some flaws, and I'm sure it will have a 'theme' that many will find disagreeable (what documentary doesn't). I'm also sure that it will be interesting and informative, especially for people with little or no jazz knowledge.
Having taken a course on the history of jazz while in university completing my bachelors, the documentary is pretty accurate so far. Even though Wynton is featured a little too much for my liking I just love the coverage jazz is getting.
Why is Wynton Marsalis the spokesperson for Jazz in the last 5 years. With all the great horn players in the last 50years,someone else should have stepped forward.