Are you delighted at your present system?

Hi everyone,
I strumbled across Audiogon,whilst browsing the net for information on SP1’s.To tell the truth I’ve been lurking here for a while and during this time I read a half-dozen opinios and a few words of advice.I reckon we can help one another and use other people’s experience to build our ideal system despite the fact hi-fi being a very personal thing.Well,I’d like to share some thoughts with you about my audio experience, maybe it’s useful to someone. Since I have messed about with hi-fi sonic reproduction, had a few products but due to my inexperience or other causes all of them were sold. Many years ago I was so naive as to believe that the more expensive speakers you have, the better sound quality you’ll get. Needless to say this isn’t true. At that time I owned an inexpensive (but balanced) system which consisted of a Philips 850mkII CD player,a Musical Fidelity A1-X integrated amp (20W)and a pair of Triangle Scelene speakers(91dB,two-way,only 6” paper woofer). Before laughing at me, I must say this combination sounded incredibly well in my (13x17x9 ft) living room. The sound characters of this chain were simly amazing. Fast, airy, incredebly lifelike. As I didn’t pay enough attention to component/cable matching’ve already known ..I got rid of the whole system.I wish I would have bought more polished cables(e.g that I have now van den Hul First metal free interconnect and Revolution hybrid speaker cables) for it but ..I didn’t.After selling this great sounding system I bought Spendor SP1’s.Although these boxes are great products I’ve been trying to squeeze the best out of them since then. It happened more than ten years ago. In these days I tested some tube gears with my Marantz CD6000 OSE player , SP1’s and it seems I found what I’ve been looking for.One of them (15W monoblocks) with EL84 drove my spekers(87dB) surprisingly well but I’d rather use bigger valves(e.g.EL34).The speakers are placed almost 4ft from the rear wall and 3ft the side walls. I think 30-40W could drive nicely them..So I’m about to get a new/vintage/kit integrated tube staff about $1000-1500 but I don’t know yet which one. I only hope I’ll get that musicality my old system did.

Do you have any similar experiences to mine? or Did you always improve your sytem(s)?

Any opinios,suggestions would be appreciated!
I'm delighted with every system. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) it's temporary....
Dave hit it for me. I love to listen to almost anything, but I really enjoyed going from horns, to ribbons, to stats, and solid state to tubes. Been a real fun ride and I totally enjoy my system. I sometimes "miss" my old stuff even though it wasn't as accurate it sure was dynamic and fun. But I have heard really sweet setups with Maggies, Avalon Eioldons, and such and there is really a wealth of great great gear out there. Kind of like a chef it is just mixing the ingredients just right and playing around to see what comes out of the mix.
No, im not delighted.
In fact, im still quite unhappy.

I tossed down a grand to replace my front end recently, massive improvement, but untill i ditch those radioshackers and get something better, i will just be marginally "tolerant" but certainly not delighted. :)

Thank you for all the responses.Sorry,didn’t see your posts earlier as I’ve been off the net few days.

As we all want to get sg different from our ideal system, obviously we understand diff meanings beyond words/ sentences.Not only haven’t we been able to describe the sonic greatness of well-paired components,but also we haven’t been able to imagine the same greatness they’ve been able to produce.

Personally,I prefer well-established but not necessarily high-priced systems which can convey the message of the music with good musical pace and rhythm.Give it a try and listen to Lillian Boutté and her Band’s CD.”Live in Tivoli”-Music Mecca It’s a very good (and incredibly complex)music.
I hope you'll enjoy it.....I could't for many years.

After listenning many high-priced systems I must say I don’t intend to change nothing now( including vintage tube monoblocks as well)in my current set up.No doubt,the aims of this hobby depend on you and your requirements.Although I've done many extended experiments,tests and comparisons during the years I have to admit the satisfying results of my present system is not due to the consciousness.

I am delighted with my system as it has been for the past year. It is a far cry from the "audiophile" system I have dreamt of having. It is not true to the recordings it has been fed. However, its character is such that it is very easy to listen to. Small compensation, I suppose, but overall it has exceeded my expections for I believed would happen when I introduced new speakers. Unfortunately, since my "upgrade" worked, my imagination runs wild with thoughts about what even more of this or that might accomplish. It is deceptive, since I am fully cognizant of the fact that I really do not know what true fidelity really is.