Best redbook CD playback system for $30k

I have $30k to spend on a stereo system to play back redbook CDs. I like very natural and dynamic "live - you are there", sound and need to fill a 28' x 30' room with 12' ceiling with clean moderate to slightly loud music. I listen to all types of music with emphasis on jazz and classical. There is no "wife approval" to be factored in here so size and shape does not matter. Only the music mattters. I do need to be able to go out and buy this system so all components must be NEW and readily available for purchase. What would you buy?
First, you are crazy to buy new.

Second, it seems a bit rash to buy without listening a wide variety of equipment before deciding on the sound you like. (No?)

Third, congratulations on having no “WAF” to deal with. (You don't have one or she's so smitten with you that you could ride a smelly camel through the house and she would simply glow with admiration while reaching for the vacuum cleaner and Lysol?)
30k just for a cd see so many people here that seem perfectly content with their 5-10k aero, accuphase, wadia etc. If you really feel the need to spend more...go get a full DCS system...never heard it...just know that it is super expensive. me on the other hand...I'm with the others.

1. A car...
2. Buy used...or better yet
3. give me the
I think you would be very happy with the system I am using. It matches all of your stated preferences and would be a nice fit in your room.

Pioneer DV-47Ai transport
Audio Synthesis DAX Discrete Variable DAC (no preamp required)
Atma-Sphere M-60 amps
Köchel K-300 loudspeakers

About 30K new including cabling and accessories.
Wow!!! I guess that I must live in another universe. I am a high school teacher of 28 years with two children in college and one who will start next year, and I am sweating bullets over spending 700 on a universal player. My truck was only $7000. Besides my house, I don't think I have ever purchased anything over $30k. I do love my music, but maybe I should take up bird calling. Or maybe somebody needs to share the wealth.