Component that stopped the upgrade cycle cold?

This is kind of an extension of another thread that I believe is titled something like "Amplifiers: A Keeper for Life?". The answers to that one can be (but are not all) similar to any thread where someone asks, "What's the best ......?" With upgradidis being almost a requisite disfunction for the ranks of becoming an 'audiophile', I was wondering how to restate the question and get fewer of those one-word responses, and virgin-purchase highs. So I'll add a minimum requirement of longevity of ownership to the question and perhaps that may help:

Is there one or more components were not recently purchased that stopped your upgrade cycle on that component dead in its tracks leaving you delighted with the components performance for at least, oh, lets just put it at a minimum of three years of ownership with absolutely no intentions nor desires to swap it out? Also, what other like components specifically have you had the opportunity to directly/indirectly compare it to, and what keeps you sticking with the one you've got? Lets limit it to main system components for those with multiple systems. So I don't want to be hearing from anyone who got their box a few months ago and is still in wonderment listening to their entire collection all over again, basking in the new presentation, which they may, or may not be bored with in two more months. I want to hear about the ones your married to and have settled in with, but that you continue to look forward to the pleasure of each and every day you spend with her, in spite of the fact that you've been together so long. I don't give a tinker's cuss about things like "it's the best there is," or how it "blows away all the others"...I just want to hear what others find their comfort with and why. Let me hear your intimate stories of long-term romance with the gear that moves you to hang onto it for the long-haul!

Excellent start Newbee! You just past your 20th anniversary....did you
buy some china for your ARC?

Dunlavy SC4A's Speakers have lasting power for me. Before that Martin Logan Aerius did the same for a few years. Also an ISEM amplifier, rare bird from France 100W class A keeps me from longing for other power. Satisfaction is in the listening without worry about perfection. Just get as close as you can afford and settle back for listening enjoyment.
Simon Yorke TT from 1988. Still up & still runnig, same motor, arm.
I *should* send it to Mr Yorke for servicing/ maintenance (it's free for Yorke TTs) but haven't got down to it...
My custom-built David Berning 45 SET-ZOTL amp, 12v battery powered, choke loaded, Sylvania 6SN7's, and Emission Labs Mesh-Plate 45's. It's the only one of its kind, ever made.

Totally un-be-lieve-able!

I've A/B'd some very highly regarded $10k-$20k monoblocks against this amp, and they didn't even come close.

I've truly never heard anything like this amp.
It is in a world of its own.
It is loosely based on the Berning Siegfried circuit, with some very cool changes that David dreamed up for me, and the Type 45 triodes are "the ticket to paradise" in this amp.

Oh yeah, I've had it for a couple years now, and it still is just as unbelievable as ever.
Basically, it is "my amp", designed and hand-built custom for me to my specs by David Berning personally, and there are no others. The performance is unparalleled, and it's a very special and unique unit. There is no replacement for that.