Best Value System

A lot of stuff has been written about how great this or that piece of hifi gear was and we are all familiar with such talk. Yes, we can talk about THE very best system available but how many can afford that very best system?
So, I think we should talk about the best value systems available. Yes, there are many such systems as well and maybe you good folks out there can make some suggestions so that the not so experienced players like me can benefit.
Even though I am relatively inexperienced, I am not new to hifi. I have listened to systems ranging from a couple of thousand to about a hundred K.
After going through this humbling experience, I found what I thought was my best value system and that is:
Any reasonable quality cdp with a volume control and this can be had for less than $1000 used. You can then run it straight to the ATC SCM 100 ASL (New $14000, used-between 8-10K. You only need 1 pr of interconnect. So, for between 10-15K, you can have a world class system. From there on you can slowly upgrade the front end (and maybe, add a supratek pre) You can spend many times more and you may not even get this sound quality.
I hope this doesn't bore you. After all, I believe this forum is all about value.
Grado SR-80's or below. an older cd player with a good volume control(denon or sony etc..) stock power cables as cheap and a great system too. i use this for my bedroom system. less than $200.00
You could get a great sounding system for $5,000 or less. I have had the following equipment and sounded great and on the used market is good value. I have substantially more expensive equipment now and the difference is either non existent (Krell Amplification compared to aragon for the Thiels)or little (accuphase transport & Krell D to A - $14,000 new retail, dedicated power & conditioner. I'm sure there are many systems in the $5,000 range that could be compreable or better but I liked this system.

Preamp - Audio Research LS2B - $800 used
Thiel 3.6 used $1,500 or less
Amplification Aragon 8008 Balanced - $1,200
Almost any decent CD player $1,000
Cables $500

I agree with "Gary17" listed above, you ought to be able to put together a great sounding system for about $5K, and in many cases, a lot less than that. The "core" of my present system falls into that range (the speaker system, amp, preamp, tuner and cables......... and for about two years after putting that system together, I used a DVD Player as a CD Player........ a Pioneer Elite DV-37). But over the last two years, I fully tricked my system out (I added a Meridian 508.24 CD Player (it costed $3,995.00 when it was brand new, but got it used last year for about $1,600.00), and a VPI Scoutmaster/JMW Memorial 9 Arm/Grado Sonata Reference Cartridge LP Playback System with the VPI SDS System ($4,000.00 with everything) plugged into a maxed out Phono Stage (a Monolithic PS-1 Phono Stage with the matching HC-1 Power Supply)), and it was the components mentioned after the core of the system was assembled that has put the price tag of my system over the top. The core components of my system ran around $5,000.00 all by itself. So, it's been proven over and over again, you can put togeter a great sounding system from around $5,000.00 to about $15,000.00.

From my experience, here's what I would spend my $5,000.00 on:

Speaker System: Vandersteen 2Ce -- $1,000.00 (used)
Power Amplifier: McCormack Power-Drive DNA-0.5 (Special Edition) -- $900.00 (used)
Preamplifier: McCormack TLC-1 -- $500.00 (used)
Compact Disc Player: Meridian 506.24 -- $1,000.00 (used)
Cables: Pick Your Own...... But don't spend any more than $500.00

I listened to this system (sans the CD Player....... the CD Player used years ago was a Pioneer Elite PD-65) years ago, and I remember it sounding so right to my years back then. Had I gotten it brand new that year, it would've costed substantially more than the $5K I would pay for it today, but boy (???), what a system. If I don't say so myself, this system rocked back then, and I have every reason to believe it would still rock the house today.

My $0.02 worth.......

As you can undoubtibly tell by reading posts here the best value system is not always the absolute outcome of high quality components or money spent,regardless of the amount. There are many contributors here who have systems that cost many times that which any of us could hope to spend and who own products that are considered outstanding both for their quality and their performance. Yet, they are unhappy with the results. The same can be said of others who have thankfully spent much less on products that are still considered very capable, and who have produced systems that would make any audio magazine reviewer proud. They just are not getting what they wanted. You can read about this every day right here. This is what I love about this site. All the evidence of individual experience, and all of it reinforcing -again and again, that value is something that ultimately comes from within, regardless of what we are told or would really like to believe. The people who have acheived sucess here seems to be the ones have included themselves in the equation of what works, and this not appear to follow any of the best of or price point equations given here as the best approach.
The sound of any system is room dependent, especially with planar speakers. This is my "budget" system for planar speakers:
Magnepan 1.6 QR ($750 used)
luxman R-117 receiver ($285 used)
sony CDP 75es 5 disc CD player ($100-150 used)
McCormack DAC deluxe ($285 used)
nordost superflatline shotgun cable 3M ($50 used)
Sonicwave 280 strand glass toslink 1M ($23 new)
Belden 89259 interconnects ($15 used)
powervar 12 line conditioner ($99 used)
Shipping costs approx $150