Best location for isolation cones.

Just got 4 sets of Dayton Audio Black Chrome Isolation cones delivered yesterday.

Due to the space constraints on my rack, i couldnty put em under the gear like i had intended, instead i put them beneath each subwoofer which gives righter more defined bass.
However, i also put a set beneath each speaker stand. I also have a new rack.

The imaging seems to have suffered a bit. Are isolation cones beneath speaker stands a bad way to go? Seems the imaging was a little bit better before i put them into play, but with the new rack i just put in im not entirely positive which is giving me a hard time

Ive never used these before so i dont know if there any big NO-NOs associated with such a thing.

Any advice?
oh yah, also, the rack is wood, so it can definatly be modified. Im certainly not afraid to grab the saw-all and go to town. LOL
I'd say if you put them under the speaker stands, subwoofer or monitor, try to screw them into whatever it is they're under. Otherwise, if they're loose, they could just make things worse.

With components in a rack, I just try a whole gang of different places. A good place to start is putting one under the transformer.

Start sawin', baby!