Cryo-treating CDs?

I have heard that people who cryo-treat their CDs have noticeably better sound. Does anyone have any experience with this? It sounds good.
I have been using a Radio Shwag bulk tape eraser on my CDs for many years. It's cheap and it's like a Bedini on steroids.
Elgordo-please elaborate on the bulk tape eraser.
I've never heard of it but would like to know more.
Does anyone have an idea regarding how cryo treatment could affect the sound? There is no sound on the digital disc, just a bunch of ones and zeros. About all you could do would be turn some ones into zeros or vice versa, and it seems that this would degrade the sound, not improve it.
El, maybe one or both those treatments helps the CD player "read" the ones and zero's, and therefore reproducing the music more as it was intended.