PS Audio Ultimate outlet

Have thought about one to protect amp from surges but do not want to affect the sound. Anybody have one?
Drubin: I don't believe threatening has anything to do with Stevemj posts and certainly no one must keep an open mind, though it would be nice for all concerned. Unfortunately, labeling people as "weakminded" or one's actions "insanity" is usually enough to provoke an attack and is certainly forth coming if you have little foundation within your argument. Moreover, unfortunately most people who advocate the use of standard power cords, interconnects and cables usually have NEVER TRIED anything else and rely solely on their science theory to carry the day.

As I've said before, you've got to get up pretty early in the morning to pull the wool over the ears of the member of this site. Science theory and a buck will get you a bus ride across town, but it tends to play like a broken CD here, wearing the patience and stretching the tolerance of normally good natured, openly caring individuals. Certainly, I believe Stevemj and everyone else who contributes to this site has the best intentions. Just remember that the road to Radio Shack is paved with the good intentions of statistically correct Optimus gear. Thanks to all for your patience. -Jerie
Respectfully Drubin; go back and read Stevemj's thread on "Speaker Wire is it Science or Psychology?", posted 3/7/01. IMO it is pretty inflammatory right from the start. That's not the thread (and posts) of a person with an open mind, rather it is strongly espousing scientific dogma. He (Steve) asks us to explain our positions re selection of "wires" without using any technical terminology??? I agree with much of yours, Duggs, and Jerie's posts above. I want to have feet planted squarely in both the objective and subjective camps regarding "wires and music". Cheers. Craig.
It should be pointed out that science never 'proves' anything. Scientists do not seek the truth, but rather an accurate model. Scientific measurements do not prove or disprove, they only support or do not support the model.
The Devil DOES live! ...His name is Stevemj and when a BAD Audiogoner dies he’s sent to Radioshack ...There in the polyester pit of hell is Stevemj (clad in a green velvet tuxedeo and sporting SPL & multi-meters) plays nothing but baddly recorded CD's on one brand "rack" systems through 18 gauge zip cord - for ALL eternity! hehehehe
Okay, maybe I gave the guy too much benefit of the doubt. And Doug, I certainly did not have you in mind.

I do think there is sometimes too much knee-jerk, often hostile rejection of any challenges to our subjectivist observations. And I hate to see any Audiogon member ganged up on and ridiculed. That's the easy way out for the insecure and closed-minded. (Again, not singling anyone out in particular). Dan.