Best vibration tweaks

The components in my system rest on a Lovan rack (not filled). Until recently, I hadn't considered doing much more to control vibrations in my system. But I've noticed that their are some relatively inexpensive (a dangerous phrase in our hobby) tweaks in this department that are available. I'm curious to know what experience others have had with things like Vibrapods, filling their stands with weighted material, airmats, Audiopoints (?), those half-globe gel balls (don't know their name), etc. If you've tried them, how much of an improvement (if any) did they make? Several of these appear to be mutually exclusive, so which do you recommend most? Thanks for your input.
So far my vibration experiments have been:
1- mass loading
2- mass loading +inner tubes
3- inner tubes +MDF shelving
4- inner tube sandwiched between MDF panels
5- inner tube + MDF + steel balls underneath
6- inner tube + MDF + brass cones
I´ll skip 3-4 additional combinations of the above
11- Got rid of the inner tubes and concentrated on brass cones variations....
12 The latest and so far best results have been achieved through use of large heavy (40-50 lb) MDF made silica sand filled box as base, a resting hard plate on top of the sand and brass cones.
In my set up I have no rack (I´m learning on vibration before attempting one.... so my source, preamp and amp are resting on tile floor with the above mentioned support.
I Haven´t tried soft type approach yet.

I have found that investing time experimenting with vibration is a high return activity.
Don´t expect good results to jump at you, have patience and you´ll be rewarded!!
Could provide more details but I would like not to be lengthy in this post
Best to all
I like the Walker Valid Points... but before you spend a lot of money, you might try some of the low cost tweaks listed in the forum. Resonance control can be time consuming, but also rewarding, as you learn what works and what does not in your setup. Good luck.
Cheap is the way to go: just got a used marble cutting board over 5/8" thick for $15. Free bicycle inner tube under it and it makes a wonderful TT base!
Over the past 3 months I've been trying out a bunch-o-iso-tweaks. Currently I have a Neuance shelf under my transport, Mapleshade Surefoot Cones under my integrated, Black Diamond Racing #4 Cones under my subwoofer amp and MapleShade HeavyHat weights on my transport, DAC and amp.

I'm waiting for the Neuance shelf to settle-in, but am already enjoying the extra spaciousness. I don't know if the MapleShade Cones are making a difference, but they sure look cool. So do the HeavyHats.

I have a BrightStar Little Rock IsoPlatform that's not being used right now. It just seemed to deaden and over-dampen the sound of any component I placed it on. Black Diamond Racing #3 Cones and Pucks succeeded in removing nasties and warming up my system components, but always sacrificed air and transparency so they're benched for the moment. I have yet to remove those goofy looking Mapleshade IsoPods from their packaging, but eventually I'll try them out.

Any other suggestions out there? I'm happy with my gear, but am always looking for some neato goodies to try out.