Where have the long-time regulars gone?

With the holiday season here, I find myself thinking about friends and acquaintances, as well as the good people I have met here on Audiogon. Next month will mark the start of my fourth year of participation on Audiogon, so it is with regret that I note how many of the long-time "regulars" who began this forum are no longer making posts (at least not with any regularity).

I miss the spirited exchange and occasionally sharp differences of opinion that were aired here (although I don't miss the nastiness that sometimes crept into some posts). I always enjoyed and/or learned from the posts by folks such as Albertporter, Cornfedboy , Garfish, Bob Bundus, Tireguy, Trelja, Sc53, and others, and the forum section is the poorer for their absence.

So, I pose a 2-part question: where have the long-time regulars gone, and what will it take for them to return so that this forum section regains its vitality of old?
Carl Ebbers was the drama king with a lot of knowledge, too bad he felt it was necessary to launch personal attacks on a regular basis which led to his demise. Sluggo was an enigma, who would pop up out of nowhere stir up some trouble and then slither away for a while waiting for another surprise opportunity.

The strangest character (who does not post here) has to Romy the Cat.......anybody understand where this guy comes from?
Sluggo was the "George Carlin" on this site. Very funny unless it was directed at one who couldn't tolerate it. I do believe the progression at Audiogon is just fine right now.
I've been checking the forums here since Feb. 99. I've learned a lot from the regulars and have tried to help out where I had some knowledge. It seems that most specific questions get answered. I think that the absence of Romy is one of the better features of audiogon. Other than having newbies do a search before launching a generalist question I'm with Snook2, I'm fine.
Whoever Sluggo was, I think Clueless does a great job on the humor and witticisms in the forums. I have burst out laughing so many times at his contributions, esp. his signature line: Sincerely, I remain,
Learning curve for one. Also don't want to bother arguing. Sean, etc. are still around and help a lot of people. Let's thank them.