Physically awkward components...

I have a Bel Canto DAC and even though I really like it, its design is somewhat of a pain for me. I wish all connectors were on the same side of the unit, but they are not. Getting all the cables together is such a pain in the rear.

Anyone else have similar problems with other components?
Well my amps are in that weight class but not as cumbersome as the CAT pre, with the power supply.
Yeah, like top loading CD players/transports when you have no other choice (usually due to WAF) but to stack components in a cabinet.

Full-range speakers & Class A ss must be the worst of the lot; one of my amps weighs ~150lbs and it's physically large. A tube pre is composed of two heavy parts -- that's cumbersome but manageable.

The pre's cd input is on the far side away from the cdp. If I exchange TT and cdp placement, then the TT input is on the far side of the pre. If I move pre, TT, cdp so the inputs are more or less manageable, the amps are too far away...
Can't win.
Wait until you attach some stiff cables to the Bel Canto DAC! I had one, and thick, stiff cables made that little, black, brick float in the air!

I agree with the Marquis de Aleph statements as well. I loved the way those hot, spiney heat sinks left red, hot indentations on my forearms. Everytime I needed to access the power switch, I was reliving the beginning of each Kung Fu episode when Kwai Chang Caine picked up the molten urn with his forearms and they left brands of the tiger and the dragon.

And, since I'm made of green clay, you can imagine the damage they inflicted on me.