What is Paypal charging you?

Paypal is presently charging me a 4.05% fee on transactions, up from 3.95% just yesterday. They keep bumping their percentage fee up on me - it started out at 2.9%.

Unfortunately, the fine print gives them the right to charge whatever they want, so my only recourse is to stop using them.

Just curious - what are the rest of ya'll getting charged?

Log on to your account, then click on,"help" @ the top right corner.

Under catagories click on, "Getting started",
Click on, Premeir & Business,
Scroll down the column of questions in the right hand column untill you see,"Can I downgrade my account?" it's
near the bottom of the list of questions.

And then just follow the instructions on the right hand side of the page.

P.S. With the personel account,(basic), you are limited to
Transactions of $1,000. or less. So with sales above that you, or your buyer's, will have to divide the $ into two or more payments depending on the amount.
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Could you maintain two accounts, one for free transactions and the other for when credit cards or higher limits are involved?
Not only that some of us may find paypal fees a little high but speaking to their customer service reps is totally useless. I for once was so rudely treated and had my account locked up for quite some time just because CSR supervisor decided to "punish" me for my transaction error. Paypal should revise their customer service attidutes and conduct business better.