Should there only be one company making gear?

Since there are such strong feelings regarding audio gear, with one company being right while the others are wrong, would it be easier on our psyche if there were only one company?

For example, one person might love Krell gear while another prefers the Rouge 88. Rather than the two of them fighting or disagreeing about the merits or shortcomings of the other, wouldn't it be easier/better if these conflicts did not exist?

Is it possible that there will ever be a piece of gear on which all audiophiles could agree?
this is a concept I remember from 1967....we would pass around a joint and then nobody gave a dam about the equipment.........we just got into the music.....ah youth
Does it make any sense for people to be hostile toward one another because of their choices of stereo gear?

No. There are so many other things for people to get hostile towards one another about, like the color of their skin, their religious or political beliefs, or the way they part their hair. Human beings seem to have a long history of hatred based upon their differences. The stereo example is simply a microcosm of what's been going on throughout history which is certainly not going to be cut off through homoginization. I think something like what you are suggesting could only come about with some kind of sweeping altered percetption of the world. One that does not see things in terms of black and white, right and wrong. I also think that as long as we're talking about human beings, that this is utterly impossible. It is our nature to attach meaning to virtually everything. The best we can do is become aware of what we are doing... step away from ourselves in a way and get some perspective that is less egocentric and more objective... that, or we can just keep on hating and killing each other off.


Thank you for the clarification. I read your post the first time, and attacked straight away. So your point is well taken, and my callous response to your thread certainly verified your underlying concern.
I apologize for taking up the fight where none was merited.
Boa2 I took no offense at your remarks. I wanted to let people repond a little to make the point that there are hundreds of good companies out there making gear. There are far less that I would by from, but that doesn't mean that their products are garbage or that people who like their products are idiots yet when some people don't care for company 'A' some others attack them for disagreeing.

I have gotten irrational e-mails from people who have questioned everything from my hearing to my lineage based on my choice of amplifiers.

Boa2 I have nothing against you or your choice of gear, I am even glad that you have opinions, and feel the urge to share them, but you were polite/humerous or at least that's how I took it. You have every right to have opinions and should feel free to share them without fear of castigation. That's my point!
no, I think I hate all human beings, except me... And I am only a little bit human.... So I can live with myself.
All of you are free to stop existing at any time.
No problem.
I can go on... "living in my own little world.... "