How Much Time do You Surf on Audiogon?

I found myself spending a half hour on my lunch break at work, and an additional two hours at home !!
I won't mention weekends.
My system sounds great.
Anyone else out there have this habit ?
I think Prpixel's life is a mirror of mine, except he's smarter than me. I look forward to driving to work. How sick is that?

A'Gon is your homepage page? Now, that's hardcore, Distortion! I think you win.

Rx8man, I been trying to get Marco in here but I think he's busy tearing his house apart. His wife and dog are temporarily living on the roof. Maybe they were influenced by the Cool Worlds theme this past weekend on the Science Channel and are trying their own Snowball Earth experiment.

Slappy, I think I'm gonna do Puerto Vallarta during Labor Day Weekend. I love Mexico and Latin women, so I gottsta go! Isn't the Rocky Mountain Oyster Fest going on this week?
Allright BigKidz, ill set out the army cots and a cold 12pack of bud.

make sure at least one of you brings a pair of speakers worth half a shit, cause im sick of these radioshackers.
Yeah it is. In fact, im the guest of honor! I got the biggest oysters in colorado! ;)

I envy you; I wish I could drive to work. Driving is one of the things I miss the most. Ah, to hold a stick in my right hand and row the gears..............
Maybe a half hour at work and an hour at home, but it varies. I'm thinking about getting a second computer networked in to the main one downstairs. It would be a laptop so I could sit in the sweet spot while listening to music and look at audiogon at the same time.