Other Hobbies?

What else do you do in your spare time?
I build Furniture,Trailers, (woodwork and weld) Fly Electric R/C, and Photography.
right on Treed!!!!!!! i think this is an interesting thread,even if its been asked before,,by the way Cornfedboy,what are your hobbies? Peace and happiness to all!
I fly a radio-controlled sailplane -- still working on getting my first electric in the air so I can fly at smaller fields!

That and my family is all I can (barely) squeeze in.
I was into biking (mostly mountain, although some road), scuba diving, and movies. Since becoming a parent 3 years ago, the biking and scuba have gone by the wayside. But have become even more involved in movies as an executive producer for independent film...
Underwater photography - gets me away from my listening room, when I need a break.
Other hobbies would include : Bowling, gardening, bicycling, photography, so I have plenty that keep me busy throughout the year !