You might be an audiophile if...

With apologies to Mr. Jeff Foxworthy, thought it would be fun to come up with (clean) examples of the wretched excesses that us poor audiophiles are subject to. I'll start it off. Extra points for originality and wit.

You might be an audiophile if your stereo costs more than your car. Or your house.

You might be an audiophile if - you've ever had to choose between a girlfriend and a new pair of speakers.
Uhhhh, how many of these do you have to fall under before you can be called "certifiable"?
I remember a University course in Abnormal Psych where I'd start to get nervous if I knew too many of the feelings and characteristics described - this feels like deja vu all over again.
...each of your speakers weigh more than you do.'ve changed one or more of your components more frequently than you
brush your teeth. makes sense to put together just one more system to go along with the
other six you already have setup throughout your house, and the four in
storage (there is still the cellar stairs after can fit a chair there at the
bottom, and carpet the stairs and add some Echo Busters..)

...your LP collection requires its own separate room.

...not only do you know what the "Fred's Head Mod" is, you actually have the
green and blue pens to prove it.
your stereo system was put together by selecting equipment from Stereophile's Reccommended Components list!*>)
the power cord attached to your amplifier cost more than your amplifier!

I couldn't resist!*>)