"Polyamping" A Look to the Future or Fancy Fad?

In a recent quest for information regarding DIY speaker designs, I was referred to the Linkwitz Orion Project. These speakers employ active crossovers and it is suggested to give each driver its own, separate amplification (actually one for each woofer and one for the tweet/mid - three per speaker). Linkwitz recommends the ATI AT6012, a twelve channel, six zone amp (60W/ch). I am not sure about the merits of the ATI amp but, regardless of amp, does anyone think this will be a "growing" design. I mean I have heard the benefits of biamping and have heard tell of triamping but, in this case, "sextamping"? Octamping would seem to be next. All accounts say that the Orions sound fabulous. Perhaps I am just behind the curve. What so you learned folks think of this direction in audio?
Mezmo: While i appreciate the vote of confidence, don't encourage me. I already open my mouth too much as it is. Just ask Brulee....

4Yanx: What is good for the goose is not always good for the gander i.e. personal preference rules. Once you've heard "commanding" bass with impact, definition, authority AND control, you'll know where Greg and others like us come from. You might be amazed at how much power high amplitude reproduction of low frequencies actually takes to do "right". This is especially true if you have low efficiency speakers.

To try and explain this simply, the more excursion that a driver has to make, the greater the distortion and the poorer the transient response. As such, using multiple drivers allows one to move as much air without any individual driver ever having to make much of an excursion. They are all sharing the load rather than having to deal with the physical / electrical demands individually.

This is the approach that Dr Bose took with the original 901's and Bill Duddleston likes to promote in the literature of Legacy products. While such an approach is very valid, you now run into problems with impedances and high levels of reflected EMF*. As far as dealing with low impedances and higher levels of reflected EMF, it takes "muscle" to deliver the power required to control all of the drivers and deal with the reflected EMF.

Bob Carver does a good job of explaining this in the white papers of his Sunfire subs and i encourage those interested in learning about such things to give those a read. He tries to keep things simple yet get the point across. You don't have to like the product to understad that there is a a lot of valid research behind it. As is so often the case, the good intentions and valid research get lost somewhere along the production lines.

To those that that think that "high power" is unnecessary, i'll use the same analogy that i use at work all the time.

If you've been walking all of your life with no other means of travel, a bicycle seems great. When you start driving a Yugo, the Yugo makes the bicycle seem antiquated and slow. When you start driving Lincoln's, Cadillac's, Mercede's, BMW, Porsche, Ferrari, etc... everything else prior to that point seems like a joke. You look back and wonder why it took you so long to understand your current vantage point and realize how much better it could have been and / or how much you've missed along the way.

While we call this "the learning curve", it is all a matter of perspective, experience and personal preference. As such, "good" results to Billy Bob might be "piss poor & pathetic" to Ray-Ray : ) Sean

*This is not to mention a slew of other problems that are related with acoustics / room loading, but that is a whole 'nother ball of wax.

PS... i was able to mention Bose, Legacy and Carver all in the same post in a positive manner. That must be a first for Audiogon : )
If you mean by "a look into the future" that amps will be manufactured in mult-two-channel construction, then I would disagree with it being a trend - too expensive for mass consumption. One if the caveats of mult-amping is that all amps have the identical gain (or withing 0.5%), which basically means using identical amps. If the price of two-chanel or mono amps goes up exponentionally with sound quality, then the prices will climb (linearly??) for each set of channels.

In this regard, I agree with it being one of diminishing returns, and with the price of top notch amplification up in the stratosphere, the question is: when does, for example, multiple Brand X mono pairs equal the performance of a one pair Brand Y. An interesting calculus problem.
On paper the idea makes alot of sense with the primary benefit coming from the use of an external active crossover network. However, with all things audio related, there is not a single path to better sound reproduction and polyamping has its own set of trade-offs with cost and system complexity being the most obvious.

There is nothing new under the sun!!!

Polyamping!!! What a fancy name....The person who made-up this name would like other think that he is the one who invent the whole thing.

I'm bi-amping my speakers for the past 7 years....Other already doing it for 20 or may be 30 years or more.....
Well I made up the label "polyamping" for the purpose of this thread title though, like you say, there is nothing new under the sun so I won't claim it as an original idea. Nor will I claim, or even remotely infer, that I "invented the whole thing". Had I the technical expertise to do so or the stones to claim such, I wouldn't be here asking questions.

Has anyone taken a look at the Orions under the link http:\\www.linkwitzlab.com who would like to comment on whether it seems a reasonable approach?