DK Design Group X-Dream - wow

Has anybody seen the review on the DK Design Group X-Dream speakers?

I better start saving up.
Chadnliz - how do you know they only used $1000 worth of speaker parts? The review mentions that the speakers use only the best state of the art drivers and exotic cross over parts. The reviewer specifically mentioned that the cross over uses silver foil capacitors. If you check most DIY sites a cross over made with silver foil caps can cost more then some high end speakers.
"The review mentions that the speakers use only the best state of the art drivers and exotic cross over parts"

X-Dream technology

I really don't see where this "review" is any different than any other published review. When isn't a review paid for by the manufacturer? Isn't it normal for the manufacturer to foot the entire cost of "loaning" equipment to the reviewer? A paid for factory tour/junket is a pretty standard marketing ploy.

As far as not using DK amps for the demo - if this site is typical, there's a large number of audiophiles who simply will not accept that DK amps are high performance products. The same cannot be said for BAT and Pass. It might be seen as an attempt to add credibility to the speaker, but based upon the above reactions it seems to have back fired. Let's see if BAT starts demoing their amps with DK speakers. It looks like an interesting product.
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How absurd is it to produce a $3K integrated amp and then only have $25K speakers to match with it? I would think something more in line price-wise with the amp.