Do Audiophiles blow speakers?

Ok so I am bored and curious, I have never and probably never will over-drive an amp or blow speakers....but I want to know if this happens with trained listeners or is mostly done by the masses of listeners who dont care about critical listening?
I know that lack of amp power usually blows a speaker, I just thought some stories would make for good reading.
I don't swing that way but I bear no ill will toward those who do.

((Sorry,someone had to say it.))
lmao, oh well atleast this got members talking, my wife wanted to see what it was like to blow a soeaker, biy that 12 inch woofer looked pretty funny in her mouth...ooooops
lmao, oh well atleast this got members talking, my wife wanted to see what it was like to blow a speaker, boy that 12 inch woofer looked pretty funny in her mouth...ooooops
Chadnliz, you werent playing Aerosmith's "Big 10 Inch" at the time by any chance, were you?