Wilson Maxx and Maxx II Differences ?

Does anyone have any knowledge of the differences between the Maxx and Maxx II. Is the upgrade worth the expense? What do you know?
I owned the MAXX l. It was just OK. I sold it for X-1 Series lll and now X-2 Alexandria. I feel that I know the Wilson sound which I wouldn't trade for anything. having said that I was not enamoured of the MAXX l. My son owns the MAXX ll and for the money there just IMO not a better speaker in the market. It has much X-2 technology and for the money it is definitely worth the upgrade. I have also owned WP 5.1's, WP 6's and now also have an XS with all WATCH center surround and rear. Trust me when I tell you the MAXX ll will dazzle you.If it were available before the X-2 I would have had second thoughts about the X-2. The MAXX ll is so good that Wilson no longer makes the X-1 because at twice the price of the MAXX ll it just doesn't come close.
One mans "OK" is another mans heaven...it's all relative I guess.

You got any "really crappy" stuff you wanna let go cheap doc? ;o)