Help I have a radio in my tweeter

Was listening at low levels last night and heard some offputting sound coming from one speaker - kind of a light scratchy sound - put my ear to the tweeter and found a lot of static and a barely perceptible sound of voices. As I listened further it became clear that my tweeter is picking up a radio station from somewhere. I don't own a radio so it's not in my house. Something is acting like an antenna.

I have a tube preamp and when I turn it off or take it out of the system and use the pre section of my integrated SS amp in its place, the issue disappears.

So with preamp as the apparent source of the issue, one at a time I changed out all tubes for others, changed the power cord, plugged preamp it into a different circuit, changed interconnects running from pre to power - still have the problem.

Not sure of next steps - any thoughts?
Ag insider logo xs@2xitball
You have RF interference leaking in somewhere to your system. The likely culprit is usually in your cables.
I have owned gear that did the same but for me its mostly been solid state amplifiers.I could find no way to reduce or eliminate the problem except replace the amps.If your in a hi RF area or near broadcast antenas your out of luck.
Wonder if you have a "Ham" amateur radio operator in your neighborhood? Sometime if they don't adequately shield their transmitter you can pick up the "transmissions" through your equiptment. If it is a "ham", and you can determine who it is, then "they" have to take the steps to keep their transmissions from "bleeding" into other peoples equipment (stereos, radios, TV, ect).
I used to pick up a HAM radio signal in my tube system. He was a block away with way too much output (according to someone who knew him). His voice came thru my stereo as loud as any instrument! Perfectly clear! The FCC did nothing when I called them. Maybe this is what is happening to you...