Speakers to replace Martin logan Prodigys

I had to sell my Prodigy's because I had no room to set them up they the way the needed to be.
I am looking for something in the 5000.00 to 7000.00 range that are room friendly for a small to medium room.
I owned prodigy most other logans buds a local dealer.I would say a edgar horns your best bet.Have spent much time with a well broken in pair of summits with great gear and I thought prodigy sounded better to me but they do need a larger space than summit.

Sucks you don't have the room for the 'stats

For a smaller space, you're good to want to look into a good pair of monitors. For $5 - $7k you can get some of the best.
Some good choices would be:
* Dynaudio C1
* Sonus Faber Electa Amator (1 or 2)
* Verity Parsifal monitors
* micro utopias

You're going to miss the prodigys bass with one of these... but pick up a used rel strata 3 for $700 or something and you will be in business

I will be using the Wolcott tube amps and running my 581 direct.
The Prodigys sounded great with no preamp will box speakers be the same with no preamp?
I have to ask as I haven’t owned a box speaker in over 15 years so I don’t know what to expect.
Thanks for all the ideas.
The no preamp thing is more of a source/amp impedance thing... so if it worked for the Prodigys, it will work for another speaker.

Just make sure the amp is efficient (and has enough current) for the new speaker. The wolcotts are powerful and will be fine for any monitor that I know of.
I am not familiar with Wolcotts but if you will be listening at low volumes , that ability will be a factor of your 'amp' as well as your speakers . If it sounds better when you turn it up , for dynamics and resolution , it may not be the amp for low level listening . Just a thought .