Using B&W 802n's as Rears w/B&W 800n's as Mains???

Just obtained some fantastic B&W 800n's. I currently have the 802n's as my mains and plan on moving them to the rear. Any thoughts on this? Am I simply wasting the 802's? Each speaker will have its own Bryston mono amp. Would I be better off getting some B&W 805s for the rears and either selling the 802s or setting up another system keeping them as mains? Any advice from you knowledgeable audiogoners would be appreciated.
I have used that setup for my system, and it rocks, I used the Nautilus HTM1 center and nautilus ASW subwoofer, I have never heard U571 sound as good as it did when I had used that setup. I am using a Sunfire surround amp for home cinema duties.

Keep the N802s for rear channels. No reason not to, if you have the room and cash
Thanks for the feedback. I just set up the 800n's as fronts, 802n's as rears with a Krell Res 2 center, and a Meridian sub (I am getting a HTM1 center and a Velodyne DD-18 sub). The sound is ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!! I am in heaven.